To my confidante, partner in crime, sister in arms and friend
I never realized how much it meant till it all came to an end
We shared together so much of our life
Our happiness, fears, you having a baby and becoming a wife
Everyone knows I complain a lot
You always listened with out judging or being a snot
My throat is tight, my chest is hollow
Through my sadness I can barely swallow
As I write I wipe my tears
This one thing tops my list of fears
That we drift apart and don’t stay in touch
But you will persevere I know that much
Dedicated to Tisha
I have not written a poem since forced to in elementary school so if you notice any rules I broke please forgive me. For some reason this is the form the words came to me.
I have not written a poem since forced to in elementary school so if you notice any rules I broke please forgive me. For some reason this is the form the words came to me.
Kriston-Your heartfelt poem was wonderfully written with beautiful sentiment. Here's hoping for more from the "reluctant poet!"